Binge drinking is the main cause of alcohol poisoning according to the Mayo Clinic. The majority of binge drinkers are below the age of 26. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that approximately 50,000 cases of alcohol poisoning are reported each year. 22,073 of these resulted in death.
These are pretty frightening statistics and most college students don’t realize how risky binge drinking can be. Alcohol poisoning is a very serious side effect of drinking and the results can be fatal. There are still those that are sent to the hospital for alcohol poisoning and survive, but they are the lucky ones. They most likely had a friend who knew something was wrong and immediately took action, but some students that suffer from alcohol poisoning are not so fortunate. Their friends might not realize that they are suffering from the signs of alcohol poisoning and assume they are fine. They may not even have friends around them at the time. Whatever the case may be, anyone who is going to drink should have a plan for their night and make sure that they are never alone. Safe drinking is better than death by drinking.
Before you leave to out with your friends discuss who the designated driver will be and what they should do to prevent binge drinking. Each person should know their own limit, but the DD should also be aware of the signs that someone is beginning to drink too much. The designated driver should also know the signs of alcohol poisoning in case of an emergency.
What are the signs of alcohol poisoning?
· Vomiting.
· Seizures.
· Slow breathing (fewer than eight breaths per minute).
· Irregular breathing (10 seconds or more between breaths).
· Hypothermia (low body temperature), bluish skin color, paleness.
If you see someone with these symptoms seek help immediately. Call 911 if there is any suspicion of alcohol poisoning. Do not wait for all of these signs to occur. Remember that it is better to be safe and call for help then to be sorry.
If those who are drinking are responsible and get help from friends who are sober, then alcohol poisoning can easily be prevented. Drinking can be fun and harmless as long as it is in moderation and everyone is safe.
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