Thursday, June 16, 2011

What I've Learned

I have covered a wide range of topics all under the main subject of binge drinking, such as drinking and driving, alcohol poisoning, and drinking songs.  Each blog has had some significance to college students and anyone who fits the binge drinking description.  I have learned many things while writing these blogs and I feel that they apply to anyone, including myself.  Since this is my last blog, I would like to share what they have meant to me and how it has changed or affected my own life.

I am like any other college student who likes to hang out with friends and have a good time on the weekends.  I also fit right into the description of a binge drinker.  When I realized this fact I began to wonder if binge drinking affects me and my personal life.  Over the past five weeks I have discovered facts and studies that have made me stop and think about drinking.  I started to analyze my behaviors and consumption when went out drinking with my friends because I realized that anything can happen when a person consumes an excess amount of alcohol.  I have never had alcohol poisoning or suffered an injury from drinking, but these things are very likely and there are statistics to prove it.  I also found out along my blogging journey that drinking can potentially cause long term memory loss and this was another eye opener. 

I do not want drinking to affect my future and who I will become.  This writing experience has made me realize that I am not invincible and anything can happen to me when I more than I can handle.  I have now become more responsible when I go out drinking.  I think about how I am getting home and what my drinking limit is.  This has made a world of difference in how my night and the next morning go.  I encourage you to follow a similar plan and see the difference for yourself.  

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